
Valentine’s Day.

Hello! February 14th is around the corner. You know what this means, right? Going all crazy to find something for your sweetheart for Valentine’s Day. Usually my Valentine’s Day plans are somewhat like this: If my husband and I are lucky to be together at…

Book Lovin’ – An Addiction.

  Do you know the problem of having too many stacks of books piling up in your house? I have this problem – a serious book addiction. It is so bad that I have books stacked nicely on my bedside table and on my to-read…

Great Discovery: Kids Playland – Indoor Spielplatz Frohnlach

Hello! It was nice outside today. Not warm, but sunny and blue sky but we still decided to test and try something awesome today. My friend Kirsten told me about the Kids Playland – an indoor playground in Frohlach and since then this place was…

Five Things.

Hello!  Wow it is late. I cannot believe I stayed out until 12pm. I did not write a post yesterday because of long conversations I needed to have with the love of my life. Afterwards I was exhausted and went to bed early. Him too.…

Ernest Hemingway.

Hello! “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. All you have to do is to write one true sentence.” ― Ernest Hemingway Hemingway is one of my favorite authors of all times and I am surprised…

On Family and Departure.

Hello!  I love traveling. I do want to go but I don’t want to leave. Does this make sense? To me it does and I want to write about it because it has been on my mind for days now. Today my brother and his…

Styling Tips that Work For Me.

Hello!  This morning I came back from the store to buy some random articles to eat and while waiting at the register I browsed through some fashion magazines. Reading all about trends, style and collections is somewhat inspiring and fun but for me mostly frustrating.…

Five Things.

Hello! And happy Friday. I love my new routine of getting up early. The day seems so much longer and I get so much more done. Naturally, I don’t stay up that late anymore and my sleep is better. These past days flew by extremely…

Sunshine and Happiness.

Hello! Today I was happy. Truly happy. Maybe it was because it felt like spring. Maybe it was because I got up early, started the day with a cup of tea and a good book. Maybe because I had an appointment at Sehes? Or maybe…

Random Thoughts on a Tuesday Evening.

Hello!  Today started out weird and I almost lost hope for humanity again. Even though I am overall getting better at maintaining a positive attitude, today was just a day I am not sure what happened. One person was able to change my perfect good…

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