
How to: Parenting in Germany.

Hello and Happy Wednesday!  Friends of mine and readers ask me a lot how parenting in Germany is different from let’s say parenting in Denmark, Congo or in the US and so many other locations. I will share with you whatever comes to my mind about…

My Summer Bucket List.

Hello and Happy Tuesday!  I had the worst headache today. Wow, this was no fun. I rarely have headaches and still don’t know why this one was so intense. It started early in the morning and did not stop until in the afternoon when a…

The Doll Castle.

Hello and Happy Monday! Of course he wears his riding helmet like he would rule the streets in Brooklyn but this is where we came from a couple of months ago so he is allowed to put it this way. Plus, it gives him this…

Five Things.

Hello and Happy Friday!  It rained the last couple of days here in Germany and I can understand why the death rate in Norway is so high. No sun for days – just grey sky, wet and rain. I started to write this post earlier…

Relationships. This Post Will Make You Think For Sure.

Artwork Mischa Schenkel  Hello and Happy Thursday! “If I’m not saying ‘Hell Yeah!’ to something, then I say no.” Derek Sivers I have been thinking about relationships lately. There was just too much going on with some of my friends lately that left me puzzled at…


Hello and Happy Tuesday!  This afternoon I spent some quality time with my dear friend “mon amie Sylvie”. We know each other from VHS French courses that we attended together. Great times and we stayed in touch all this time. She is so sweet and…

.Forty Things About Me.

  I love myself and listen to my body. If you are not enough for yourself you will never be enough for someone else. I live in the here and now.  I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist (CNP) and graduated from The Institute of Holistic…

Meet the Artist Mischa Schenkel.

Mischa Schenkel loves to teach and show children how to paint.  Hello and Happy Saturday!  “Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad”. Salvador Dali  When I first walked into Mischa Schenkel’s atelier I…

Five Things.

Hello and Happy Friday! Isn’t it amazing how some things work out in life? I am still trying to find my childhood friend Esther Schenkel and while on my journey to get in touch with her I ended up hanging out with her brother, the…

Zen And The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

Hello and Happy Thursday!  I cleaned my bookshelves the other day to get an idea what is piling up in there, what I haven’t read yet or which books I can send traveling through BookCrossing.  Just this morning I received a notification that someone found the…

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