

Artwork Mischa Schenkel Hello and Happy Thursday to you!  My day was full of thoughts. Unfortunately, many sad thoughts. I wish that there could be a way to know when we would see someone for the last time. Sort of like we wake up in…

How to: Stay motivated.

Hello and Happy Wednesday!  I wrote with a Facebook friend the other day and the word “motivation” popped into my head after. He asked me how it is possible to write every single day and how I find time to do so. Well, I just…


Hello and Happy Tuesday!  I had the most perfect birthday today. It all started with a doctor’s visit with Petit Joel and we needed to wait two hours with appointment. I forgot my phone (Nooooooooo!) and the office was packed with sick, coughing, puking kids.…


Hello and Happy Monday!  Tomorrow will be my 35th birthday. I remember a friend in Munich who told me once on her 35th birthday, that this is the best year of a woman’s life. Others do not even want to be reminded that it is…

Thoughts on a Saturday Evening.

Versteckspiel – Artwork Mischa Schenkel Hello and Happy Saturday! Since the Reiki seminar and many hours spent with Martina and Uwe with tons of conversations it finally clicked in a bunch of departments in my brain. Certain things make sense – more sense than ever before.…

Five Things.

Spin wheel by Mischa Schenkel  Hello and Happy Friday! Saaaaambaaaa in Coburg. Awesome! I just came back home with a cab (yep, they have cabs in Coburg) after a fantastic evening/night with my friends Martina and Uwe. I was not able to attend Samba in…

Where to Go in Coburg: Liaison au Chocolat.

Hello and Happy Thursday! A while ago, a good friend (Hi Michaela!) reminded me of the amazing chocolate store in Coburg – Liaison au Chocolat. You like chocolate and browse around to find a lot goodies, this is the place to go in Coburg. I…

Sick Little Guy.

Hello and Happy Tuesday!  I hope you all had a better day than I did. Petit Joel is sick and I am sick of him being sick. It is so horrible. I mean, I try to do anything and everything possible but it is so…

The Book Review: How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can by Amy B. Scher

Hello and Happy Sunday!  “Everything about well-being sits firmly on this very simple rule I have learned: You must become who you really are. You must bet the real you. That means to love, accept, and be yourself no matter what. I truly believe that straying away from and…


Hello and Happy Saturday!  “We have a tendency to want the other person to be a finished product while we give ourselves the grace to evolve.” I wrote about mentally growing many times on my blog in one way or the other. This is just…

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