.Holistic Nutrition.

Artistic Intercourse and Self-Care.

Fence Post Shadows – by Judith Lockett Ottawa is a breathing, living city where inspiration seems to be around every corner. I think it is just a center for culture and art and even wandering the streets in my neighborhood is one of the most…

Me Working Out at the Gym.

I received a message today from a friend who is so happy because she purchased an at-home exerciser. Wow, congratulations – this is a great start of self-improvement. But finding a free workout video on Youtube is even better. Or running in the park/nature. It…

Fall Traditions.

…”and seeing that it was a soft October night, curled once about the house, and fell asleep” – T.S.Eliot.  I don’t know what it is about autumn or especially October that makes me feel good, happy and inspired. It is a new season and everything…

How to: Lifting My Spirits.

Hey there. It’s me! Do you still remember me? Yeah, I used to write here daily. Those times are O-V-E-R; at least for now. My main address is the University library. You can find me on the third floor buried under a pile of books…

Morning Person.

Hi there! Are you a morning person? I am something of a wannabe morning person. The idea of getting up early, getting everything done, doing some Yoga and stretching while everybody else sleeps sounds tempting but I love to stay up late – when everybody…

Che Che Che Changes.

FYI, This glass of water is not for my teeth, Putzl. Just to drink; water rocks.  Hey out there. Things are slowly winding down and the big day first day back at school is approaching. I am so excited about that. I love studying, university…

How to: Deodorant. Piper Wai works for Me.

Hello and Happy Thursday!  If you read my blog for a while, you know that whenever it comes to beauty products, I prefer to use those that are as natural as possible to no products at all. My make-up routine if you can call it…

How to: French Revolution Night.

Hello and Happy Wednesday! Le husband is French and I am German and we love to keep our traditions alive. In Germany or France, dinner is usually a light meal. Just some bread, cheese, sausages and a salad or olives and that is it. The…


Hello and Happy Monday! I am not into fashion that much. I love basics, simple things and I was always the jeans/T-shirt kinda girl but have something extra nice to wear whenever I go out. French women inspire me – their way of living, style…

How to: Makeup Bag Makeover.

Hello and Happy Wednesday! When it comes to makeup and other beauty products, I am pretty easy. My beauty routine is simple and I found that the less products I use, the better my skin is. Sometimes, however, I like to put on makeup and…

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