
How to: Become a Fan of Yourself.

Hello and Happy Wednesday! Whenever I want to do good things in this world I have to start by being my biggest fan first.  I remember the time when I was seven years old and we had to prepare an art project in school. We…

On Fear and Worrying.

  Hello and Happy Tuesday!  There was a time in my life when I was scared of everything. Scared of public speaking, scared if I could raise my son when not one single plant survived in my apartment. I used to worry about everything and…

Fatherhood and Motherhood.

Hello and Happy Monday!  What is the term you hear more often? Motherhood or Fatherhood? Yep, right! Motherhood. There are just so many topics on trying to balance work and motherhood and whatnot. I would love to hear more conversations that include both parents in…

Nighty Night.

Hello and Happy Saturday! This weekend was full of talks, tons of laughter, family, party, cocktails and awesome food. What I did not get too much of was sleep. Actually, almost no sleep for two nights and I do feel the consequences. Dark circles around…

Five Things.

Hello and Happy Friday!  What a great evening spent with my family. My brother and his girlfriend are here for the weekend and it is awesome talking and laughing with both. Family is the best. Friends of my parent’s hosted a village BBQ and party…

To My Sister.

Hello and Happy Thursday.  My sister and I are sitting in this little café on her birthday, celebrating with Campari and Soda eating Flammkuchen. It is lunchtime, the sun is shining, our drinks are close to the window and are shining and glowing  like lamplights…

How to: Hit the Reset Button.

Hello and Happy Wednesday! “Life is not a problem to be solved, it is a mystery to be lived” – Osho  I remember the time when my son was born and baby blues hit me full force. I slowly needed to adapt to the new…

Mother’s Day.

Hello and Happy Tuesday!  Sunday, the 8th of May is Mother’s Day. Just a little reminder here, in case you forget/forgot. Let’s just be honest here: It is just  a day like any other but as a mother, I do like it and feel special.…

Into the Wild and Reflecting.

Hello and Happy Monday! We spent the entire afternoon in the woods collecting wild garlic (bear leak, ramson) and dandelion for more syrup.  The wild garlic is awesome for pesto when used fresh with (homemade) pasta or just frozen to add to any dish. It…


Hello and Happy Saturday!  [intuition – noun: the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning] When it comes to decisions, do you listen to your head or do you “trust your gut”? Can you feel it when your stomach tries to tell…

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