How to: Make Dandelion Syrup and Homemade Chocolate Mousse.

Hello and Happy Wednesday!

It is so easy to go to a store and buy things. Like honey or Chocolate Mousse (Nutella) and whatnot. But, isn’t it so much better to make it yourself? To know 100% what is in the product you are eating and which tastes so much better and is on top healthier. The other day my mom and son went to a park to collect 365 dandelion flowers to make the sirup. Say whaaaat?  One for every day of the year you might have thought and you were right! It is my mom’s traditional recipe I will share here so collect those 365 flower heads, will you? 🙂

My sister told me about this Homemade Chocolate Mousse. She loves to cook and try new recipes that work really well for her and her family. Beside that, she is a pro in cooking. Raw, Vegan, even meat – my little sis has it down! Mouthwatering! This chocolate mousse is seriously the best. It is very easy to make and you can eat it for breakfast with banana slices or berries. Even whipped cream works well with it as a traditional dessert. Or on a slice of bread. 

Homemade Nutella


Homemade Nutella.
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  • 50 g Kakao powder (I used Raw Kakao powder from Keimling!)
  • 100g Coconut oil
  • 100 g Dates
  • 300 ml Water
  • Quinoa pops for decoration


  1. Mix everything in blender! I use a Vitamix! First blend slowly, then about 2 minutes on High Power to give the Nutella a creamier texture.
  2. I used Quinoa pops for decoration which tastes a little bit like popcorn. You could also use daisies for decoration and yes, you can eat those! So yummy!
  3. I put the Nutella/Mousse in the fridge for 30 minutes before serving. But you could also keep it in there for 1-2 days. Use the Nutella on a slice of bread in the morning, freeze it, or simply eat plain. It is so so good!




[photo credit: Diana Hartkopf]


Dandelion Sirup/Honey

This syrup can be used instead of regular honey and it tastes so good. I love to put it on waffles or pancakes. Be aware: Making the syrup takes some time! The syrup needs to simmer for three hours! With this amount written below you will get 7 glasses of Dandelion Syrup. While collecting the flower heads we made sure that they have not been exposed to pesticides, herbicides or any other chemicals. “Can I collect Dandelions that grow on the side of the road?” Well,  I would not! Unless you are sure that your flowers are chemical free, just don’t use them for a syrup. Or anything else. 

How to

Collect 365 dandelion flower heads! It sounds crazier than it is. It is done rather quickly. I did not use the stems but everything else. [the little green-furry stuff underneath the flower head is fine to use. You don’t need more work removing all this] 

Put all those flower heads in a large pot. Add two sliced-up lemons. Add 2 liters of water. (about 8 cups) Cover kettle. 

Now bring to a boil, and then let simmer for about 45 minutes. 

Now strain the dandelion mixture and add 2250 g (4.5 lbs) of sugar to the remaining liquid.

Now, this mixture needs to simmer for three hours until it boils down to a syrupy consistency. It does looks a bit like Agave Syrup or Maple Syrup. 

Once you have a somewhat thick consistency fill syrup while still hot in jar and close. I leave one jar in the kitchen to use right away and the other ones I store in the basement. 


Funny SideNote because all this made me think about the Honey/Bee comment my dad made:

My dad told me a story today that made me laugh so hard. He told me that when he retires he would like to have some bee hives. Today he read in the local newspaper that there is a bee keeper who rents bee hives to people who would like to test if bee keeping is there thing. Sweet idea I think. I have to add here that my dad loves Honey wine/Mead so I told him that this is actually an excellent idea. He loves to drink this stuff so much and it would be better to save some money and produce it himself. Plus, he could make it exactly the way he wants it – which is sweet and sticky rather than dry.  Personally, I enjoy a glass or four, hot, at the Christmas Market in winter. My father loves to drink this stuff all year around.

We then pictured the scene as he goes to his little bee hive(s) in the morning, opens it, look inside and says: “Good morning guys, Daddy is thirsty!” Just picturing this scene how these little tiny bees work like crazy and are all annoyed working like crazy and overtime  for my dad’s honey wine production made me laugh so hard that people actually looked at us. Even more when he said that at some point he might open his hives and there are no bees left. They just wrote a little note saying “We are tired of this shit! See ya!” Do you know the Twitter Feed Shit My Dad Says? Justin Halpern is a comedian and came out with several books. This one I liked the most. My dad is funny. He makes me laugh out loud and cry. Hands down. He comes up with so much good stuff that I started including it in my book. Stay tuned. 

Let me know if you tried any of the recipes and how you liked it. I would love to hear from you. 

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