

Hello! These days I really pay close attention to how I feel and listen to my body; listen to changes. I think it is important to take a step back once in a while and reflect on my life and on my overall well-being. I…

The Key to Healthy Hair – A Boar Bristle Brush

Hello! I love nature and I also learned that it is best not to work again it but with it. My hair is very healthy, strong and shiny and I don’t do much to achieve that. Read my hair routine here. When I do get a…

BookCrossing – What is This?

Hello!  I am obsessed with books and reading. And when I hear about something new book-related I am all ears. I first heard about BookCrossing and that a group of people meets every month on the second Friday usually at a bar/restaurant in Coburg, when…

Five Things

Hello!  I had an awesome day today. It started with a haircut/head massage at my favorite hairdresser of all times, Nicole Reiter. I recommend this place highly. Do check it out if you get a chance. At least once. It is so not your typical…


Hello!  Today I would like to share a little project or challenge that came to my mind this morning. I want to stop drinking alcohol for one week and see how I feel during and after. I am not drinking a bottle of vodka every…

Health and LOVE are The Most Important Thing We Have

Hello! “Health is not valued till sickness comes.” – Thomas Fuller This is the music I am listing to while writing this. I am in love with it ever since my husband listened to it in the car on our way to Canada. My days…

My take on: Friedrich Rückert

Hello! Do you know Friedrich Rückert? Have you read any of his poems? No? Well, let me give you some details about him. Friedrich Rückert (16 May 1788 – 31 January 1866) was a German poet, born in Schweinfurt, a translator and a professional in…

Where I Write

Hello!  All I need is a desk with many drawers and to have a place that I can go to every single day or night and write. Something familiar, my personal desk with tons of drawers, erasers, pencils, pencil sharpeners, post-its, moleskin notebook and tons…

Sharptooth, Partenting and I

Hello and Happy Sunday!  We finally have snow in Germany – and where my parents live it snowed enough to build a snowman and make some snow angels. I loved it. We played for quite some time until we got hungry. My mom cooked something…

Restaurant Review: SushiBar in Coburg

Hello!  Coburg seems to have it all now – especially, since this amazing Sushi Restaurant opened! The owner and sushi chefs made this restaurant very special and show the uncompromised and pure sushi making at its best. The SushiBar is nicely renovated with a freshened…

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