How to: Stay healthy through the flu season

How many times have you heard the questions: “Have you got your flu shots yet?” You see the signs to get a flu shot in front of every pharmacy or drug store. I have never gotten a flu shot and; knock on wood, have been pretty healthy throughout the year. For two days now I have written articles on natural beauty, homeopathic medicine and want to round it up by adding tips on how you can naturally fight flu and cold symptoms. My son is still coughing so  I recently had a scratchy throat, stuffy nose and just felt tired – well more tired than usual while running after my son all day long. Flu season really starts with the “ber-months” – so in September. 🙂

The leaves start changing and falling and you need a sweater instead of this t-shirt you have worn. Don’t head to the pharmacy right away to buy all type of medications. Why don’t you try natural remedies for a change? Plus, if you do get the flu, it really doesn’t matter what you take. My mom always says that “a cold takes two weeks to get rid of with medication and 14 days without”. This is sort of true.

This is how I fight the cold and flu season:

  1. Linseed Oil. This oil is liquid gold. I eat one tablespoon of this oil a day and there are so many benefits. I have written an article about Linseed Oil. Check it out here.
  2. Ginger. When my throat starts scratching, I slice up small pieces of fresh ginger and eat it raw. It is very spicy and probably makes your eyes water but it does the job of killing the bacteria in your throat. In my recent Smoothie recipe I shared

    “The Health Benefits of Ginger:

    Ginger is very nutritious because it is high in vitamin B6 and magnesium (both are great to reduce stress). Ginger is also very high on potassium (good for the heart) and the mineral copper. Ginger is good for digestion. If you have an upset stomach, Yogi ginger tea always worked for me. I used to drink a cup here and there when I felt a little nauseous when I was pregnant. The last benefit I want to add is that ginger is anti-inflammatory and great for pain. I have read once that ginger also might reduce arthritis pain. Who would have thought no?”

  3. Lemon. I usually start my mornings with a glass of lemon water. I simply squeeze an entire lemon in a glass of water and drink it before I eat or drink anything else. It hydrates your body really well and lemon is very high in vitamins to help boost your immune system. Give it a try.
  4. Lavender oil. I am reading on Aromatherapy these days to get some knowledge on what essential oils work best in different situations. I know that Lavender essential oil is antiseptic besides smelling awesome. I love drinking a cup of Lavender tea. It calms me down after a stressful day. Also you can add some drops of the oil in a warm bath. It helps sooth muscle pain.
  5. Peppermint. If you have an upset stomach or sore throat, drink a cup of Peppermint tea.
  6. Tea Tree oil. You can add a couple of drops in an inhaler, in your tea or bath. Tea Tree Oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties and can help you with and cold or flu symptoms. Itchy scratchy throat? I take a couple drops of tea tree oil on my tongue and leave it there.
  7. SunBreeze Essential Oil by Sunrider. This oil is very helpful and I have felt almost instantly better after taking it. Bad breath/sore throat/itchy throat? Take one drop on your tongue and leave it there. If you have a stuffy nose, put one drop on your finger and rub underneath you nose for easy breathing. When my son was sick, I put a 2-3 drops on his sleeping bag for easy breathing throughout the night. It gave him and I an uninterrupted sleep.

Is there anything else you can do? Yep, read on!

  • Make sure you get some rest! Take it easy when you feel a flu or cold is around the corner. Rest on the couch with some lemon water or hot ginger tea! Give your body the chance to heal. Read a book! 😉
  • You should avoid milk. What does dairy usually do when you drink it? The production of mucous is stimulated. I had this mucous feeling every time I drank a latte – so I try to stay away from it. Mucous supports bacteria and viruses to grow. I drink almond milk instead with my coffee or cereal/chia pudding. 
  • You should drink a lot of fluids. I drink approximately one gallon of water a day – more in the summertime. When my son is sick, all he wanted was drink apple juice and water. Your body tells you what you need to do. All you have to do is listen!

How do you stay healthy during the flu and cold season? Do you have any tips? Let me know in the comments below.

Thank you for reading my blog. 

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