The Book Review: “Furiously Happy” by Jenny Lawson

“If you put a bunch of chameleons on top of a bunch of chameleons on top of a bowl of Skittles what would happen? Is that science? Because if so, I finally get why people want to do science.” ― Jenny Lawson

This book I picked up because of all the hype. Honestly, I don’t usually listen to this but I have read a couple of posts on The Bloggess and I liked what she is all about. She has a very funny way of writing and this book is her memoir.  I also liked the author’s note when she explains how she struggles with depression and then she changed her concept of just being furiously happy. I still don’t know if this “extreme joy” that I read throughout her book is really good either, but it is funny. So very funny. The story with the dog food at the pharmacy made me cry laughing when I read it out loud to my husband. The author is just doing whatever she feels like and this I love. Like saying whatever you want, jumping into whatever you want (like a fountain or a pool with no water in it and just lay in it for the fun of it ordering a piña colada). All this made me order her first book so she did something right. 

Jenny Lawson mentions some of her issues pretty fast. She is suffering from compulsive hair-pulling (ahm… I had to look this one up: trichotillomania), anxiety disorder, ADD, OCD and depression. She is sharing stories of her life that are just funny, strange and weird at the same time. The arguments she describes in Furiously Happy that she had with her husbands seem weird to me. I would never argue about anything like this. Not even for five minutes. But she does, and again in a funny way. She just has a very wicked sense of humor. 

I don’t think she leads a boring life but to me it seems somewhat chaotic. The book is a great mix of really cry out loud funny and quite serious topics. I love how honest Lawson is about her mental illnesses. If you suffer from a mental illness and you simply just need to lighten up a little then this book is defiantly for you. Even though having my own blog I would not be that open and share as much as she does. This must have taken her a great deal of courage to write and talk so freely about all her problems. Or maybe it did not. But then again I guess she does not care what other people think and simply accepts herself the way she is – with all her flaws and mental disorders. 

This book was simply a great read from beginning to the end. You get a great insight on mental illness and laugh out loud at point and the next second you are thinking clearly and get overwhelmed by her ability to capture these diseased so accurately. Of course I will be reading her first book soon. 

Thank you for reading my blog and feel free to share if you are going to read her book or already read it. I would love to hear your thoughts. 

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