The Book Review: Radical Self-Love by Gala Darling.

Hello and Happy Sunday! 

“No matter where you are and no matter what is going on around you, this is the only moment you ever have. Tomorrow may never come, and your past is long gone. The future, with all its promises and anxieties, may never eventuate. All you have is this moment, right here and right now.” – Gala Darling. 

Self-love is important and life is limitless if you do understand that. I am not an expert on this, far away from it actually, but I am getting there slowly but surely. Of course I read everything on this subject I can get my hands on. I heard about Gala Darling before and followed her blog for quite some time. Gala suffered from eating disorders, harming herself and unfortunately much more. She explained a lot about her therapies, tapping and more on her blog so basically, if you read it, there is nothing new in the book. It is autobiographical with a series of homework, bullet points and lists. Let’s say, if you are new to the self-help/self-love scene this book might be great for you. It has a good introduction but if you already dove deeper into self-love it is most likely a bit boring and redundant. 

“Don’t be shocked by the fact that everything in your life feels crappy, and that you can never find a lover who treats you right. All of this stuff comes from not loving yourself. Truly. Everything we do in life comes from a place of fear or a place of love. How often do you think you allow fear to motivate you? How many times a day do you act from a place of love?”

What you will find in the book are tips on what to do when you are sad, how to love yourself and how to find more happiness within. The author also writes about loving others, that can only truly work if you love yourself first. Many tips, homework and tricks can be found in the book along with an easy to read format. What I really liked was Gala Darling’s somewhat energetic, funny voice. No doubt, Gala Darling is authentic and she comes across like as she lives her life according to what she talks about and preaches in her book. She also created the Badassery movement and explains all about it. I liked how she tries to help the next generation of women on how to find joy and adventure and that it is important to listen to your heart. You can have your cake and eat it too! However, for me, the book is simply lacking depth but it is a great beach or bathtub read. 

Is this book for me?

If you like to read something fun with some sort of inspiration, grab a copy of this book. It is most certainly entertaining but nothing ground breaking. Read it if you need a bit of a dose of self-esteem and tips on how to create this life you always dreamt about. If you are stuck in a somewhat soul-sucking job or dealing with a bit of  soul searching this book might lift you up or help you. It is important to enjoy life. We only have this one shot. 

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