How to Read More.


Hello and Happy Thursday!

Readers asked me many times how I can read that much with a 2 1/2-year-old. Well, the simple answer is that I just make time for it. I always loved to read. When I was a child I basically lived in the library and was in heaven being surrounded by books. Going to bed with a great book is awesome. Or curled up on the couch with my book and [some chocolate] a cup of coffee/tea – heaven! 

Two days ago I wrote about things that make me happy.  I included reading one book a week. To be honest, sometimes it is even more than that. It is just important to carve out some time for things that make me happy. I just cannot imagine how anybody does not enjoy browsing through a vintage bookstore and discover the isles of books. For me it is important to expand my mind. You want to bring books back into your life? You want to read more? These tips might help you. 

I always carry a book in my purse – wherever I go, simply because you never know. How many times I was stuck in traffic or I waited for a bus or train. Or the time spend waiting at doctor offices. [Have you ever thought how much time we spend waiting for things?] I read on my lunch break at work. I read on the bus/train to work. The best is always to take a blanket and go out to read in nature. I love this so much. My son next to me enjoying his book while taking a reading break observing the shapes of the clouds. Sometimes I read something completely new. I enjoy non-fiction but these days I am a bit into spirituality and have not read too much about it. It is always good to learn something new and amazing to explore titles that totally fall outside of my preferred genre

I found it very helpful to turn off my phone and computer when I read. I want to do one thing and focus on it 100%. Usually, I don’t even like to listen to music when I read or write. The less distraction the better. Joining a book club is a great way for me to stick with a book, read it to the end to then discuss it with a group of friends. The book club I joined had a meeting once a month which was always fantastic. One person cooked some food (or we got something delivered), everyone brought their books and notes and then we used to talk for hours about the story or other books we all would like to read next. I am in a book club online now, which is also fun. 

Also, when you are stuck in a conversation, ask the other person what their favorite book is and they most likely give you a blank stare. Ask anybody what their top ten books are and they will start with a list. It always worked for me. This way you get new ideas on what to read next. I also follow book blogs, in German and in English to keep me up to date in the book world. Also, visit your local library or local bookstores. 

I had a long conversation with someone about books today and I realized that some books I found heartbreaking but beautiful a couple of years ago are now full of wisdom and eye-opening. It is great how much a book changes when your own life changes. And of course interests change. Enjoy your book and your cup of tea and Happy Reading! 

What are you reading these days? Do share your list of your favorite books in the comments. Have a great day/evening/night! Wherever you are! 

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