My take on: Homeopathic Medicine

I would like to share my take on Homeopathic Medicine today. I am by far no expert but I know a little about Homeopathic Medicine and this is what I will write about. You can make your own decisions after. The book I read to start my studies on Homeopathic Medicine is:

My aunt recommended this book written in German and I read it, highlighted things and took out of it what I think is useful for me and my family. There is just so much to learn about this you guys! Insane! The other days I shopped at Whole Foods. As I wrote, unfortunately I got crazy in there; especially in the Homeopathic Section of the store. I found out about Boiron. I never heard about this company before. What I would love to do  is to give you a little overview on homeopathic medicine and share some of the products I use. For myself I ordered this one just to have a reference in English.


What is homeopathic medicine?

It is a therapeutic method that uses deleted substances to relieve symptoms. As simple as that. There are usually no chemicals added to the active ingredients which are from plants, minerals or some animal products. Homeopathic medicine has been around for more than 200 years.

What are the benefits? 

The benefits are that they are natural and they work with you body not against it. They don’t cause sleeplessness or drowsiness and you cannot overdose on them. However, you do have to be careful as well. You cannot just take 10 of those and 15 of those, sort of. You have to study and learn about it and get yourself familiarized with these methods. This way you can self-medicate yourself naturally. When you have the first sign of sickness you start taking the medication. For example I feel my throat is itchy and I might get a cold I am taking Phytolacca decandra. It sounds all weird but when you read about it more you will be fine and understand.

How are homeopathic medicines presented?

Usually there are specific indications  and directions on how to use them. They are available as tablets, gels, creams, ointments etc. Just go to the Boiron Website for a start!

What’s with all the dilutions?

I asked myself the same question and here is a quick answer. If you have a homeopathic medicine, let’s say a 30C. It is not stronger than a 6C but the difference is the level of action. You usually take a 6C for local symptoms and a higher 30C is more for fever, sleeplessness, rashes etc. According to Boiron “The ’30’ indicates that the source material has been homeopathically diluted 30 times. The ‘C’ stands for ‘centesimal’ and indicates that each of o the 30 dilutions was made of the real of 1/100”. 

How do I take homeopathic medicine? 

It usually says it on the tube of the medication but the most efficient route of administration is under the tongue. No water, chewing or swallowing.  You simply take the dosage prescribed on the tube or by your doctor. Do not rinse your mouth after taking the medication. For example some of the medicine you have to take are five pellets every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Sometimes also 5 pellets 3 times a day. “As a general rule for  self-medication, increase the frequency when the symptoms are sudden and acute; decrease the frequency with improvement”.

There are just so many homeopathic medicines out there! How do I know I chose the right one? 

As I said, you have to read a lot about it before starting self-medication. You might feel better very quickly if you start the treatment at the onset of symptoms, especially in acute conditions. All products come with product labels so you can read up on the direction of use. In any case, if the symptoms persist or get worse you should see a doctor anyway. For anything chronic you may have you want to see a homeopathic health care professional and your treatment may require different dosages. You might also need more time before your conditions improve.

These are the Homeopathic Medications I have used:

Arnica (Cream/Gel/Tablets): Muscle pain, swelling from injuries, bruising

Belladonna: For High fever of sudden onset

Ferrum phosphoricum: Low or mild fever; also first symptoms of a cold or flu

Kali iodatum: Colds with frontal sinus pain (I used it for my son when he had a cold. He was fine after two days!)

Phytolacca decandra: Sore throat with pain radiating to the ears

Sulphur: Skin rashes, also after vaccination

Zincum metallicum: Leg cramps

Silicea: Fatigue and irritability, also after vaccination

Sepia: Mood swings  – Hello, all you women out there! 🙂

I would love to hear your thoughts on homeopathic medication. Are you familiar with it? What do you take? Share your thoughts!

Update: I just received information on Homeopathic Medication from Firma SEHES: You should not take Homeopathic Medication before or after you brushed your teeth! Also, if you drink coffee or smoked you should wait at least 30 minutes before you take Homeopathic Medication. Otherwise it won’t have the desired effect. It is important to add that initially your symptoms could get worse. It is important that you know the basics about Homeopathic Medication before self-experimenting.

Auch ganz wichtig. Es kann zur erst Verschlimmerung kommen. Und die ist manchmal nicht ohne.Thank you for reading my blog. 

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