

Do you listen when your body tells you to rest? I am so so tired today. Last night was hell. My husband and I watched a great movie, I wrote articles and then read a bit. Time just flew by, as usual. When we decided to go to bed at 2am our son woke up and an initial half-asleep talk turned into full-blast crying for about one hour. It was tough and I am not the most patient person in the world; especially when I am tired and would have just loved to fall asleep as son as my head hit the pillow. Well, staying up late and working late sometimes means that I am getting less sleep as I should.  Our son sleeps usually really well and he only needs two things. Darkness and silence. The silence-part is difficult while sleeping together in one bedroom. At this apartment we are renting here, they have blinds that do not completely darken the room which means this little guy is up way earlier than usual too. 

If I did not sleep well, I am emotional, sad, irritated and get usually nothing done because I am yes, tired. Sometimes I have this feeling that even though a vacation is supposed to recharge and relax, traveling with a toddler (my mom hates that word!) is sometimes quite the opposite. I mentioned petit Joel’s routine yesterday and even stepping away from it slightly has some sort of crazy- effect on him. He cries longer, sleeps less and craves bad food. This does not happen all the time when we travel but sometimes and it is tiring. 

Otherwise we are exploring Berlin like there is no tomorrow. We have seen so much already. From Checkpoint Charlie, to the Reichstag, Brandenburger Tor, Museums,  Tropical Island and so much more. I will write about all these locations on TripAdvisor soon. Exploring and discovering is tough with children at points. If I travel alone I do not eat for hours for example or just grab a little snack. Not with a toddler. Joel wants to eat lunch, preferably something warm. Little things like that are stressful. And (think Exorcism again) when he is hungry he IS hungry. I keep some snacks handy for him at all times. We take him everywhere and try not to make a big deal out of it and he is used to us traveling with him so it is all good in the end. Yawn….

So do I listen to my body when it tells me to chill? Sometimes. But mostly, I like to be on the go. I like to go,go,go and even though I am tired at night, I still stay up to write or read. I should listen to my body more and especially when it’s warning me that I am doing too much or that concealer for my eyes does not conceal the lack of sleep. With this being said, I am switching this computer off for today. I wish you all a restful, peaceful and quiet night. 

How do you unwind or how do you allow yourself this most needed quietness and peace? I would love to hear from you. 

Thank you for reading my blog. 

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