
To My Son Joel.

Hello And Happy Saturday!  Tomorrow my son will turn 2 1/2 years old. I know that time flies but I really see how fast it all goes when I look at him. What does it mean to have a 2 1/2 years old? For me…

Five Things.

Hello and Happy Friday/Earth Day!  Today is Earth Day. Facebook reminded me this morning while I enjoyed my cup of coffee. I think it is important to celebrate Earth Day every single day. Just simply cutting down on waste and learning about how to recycle…

How to: Be Grateful.

Hello And Happy Wednesday!  Today is just a great day to write about what I am grateful for. There are just so many going on in my life actually but writing about anything I am thankful or grateful for always makes me feel so good.…

Our Walk to the Car.

“The call to adventure is the point in a person’s life when they are first given notice that everything is going to change, whether they know it or not.” – Joseph Campbell, The Hero’s Journey Hello and Happy Sunday! What a great weekend! It was…

Aroo! or A Ray of Sunshine.

Hello and Happy Saturday!  A couple of days ago my husband and I decided to surprise my brother at the Spartan Race. So we just woke up early this morning, had a quick breakfast and hit the road. Could there be anything more fun than just…

Five Things.

Hello and Happy Friday!  What would happen if we find out that the world is communicating to us in ways we are not ever aware of? Have you thought about this? This week was full of emotions, figuring myself out, discovering new things and love.…

How to: Stay Calm or At Least Trying To.

Hello and Happy Wednesday!  Currently the posts that have the most clicks or likes are those I wrote after losing my mind and revealed how it really looked inside of me. Another thing I will reveal, hah! You see my ear lobe and the hole?…

Six Great New Movies Worth Watching.

Hello and Happy Tuesday! My husband is back and besides writing and talking and so many other things we love to watch great movies. When we lived in New York we used to go to two movies theaters quite often – the Angelika Film Center…

Who Is On The Other Side Of the Screen?

Hello and Happy Monday!  Sometimes I have this problem to turn my attitude around and I just stay miserable and annoyed all day long. Actually, I am in a weird, almost depressed mood since Sunday afternoon. It hit me when we left my sister’s place…

Five Things.

Hello and Happy Friday!  This week just flew by faster than any other it seemed. I also have been reminded that when one door closes another one opens. Well it did not open yet, or I did not see the other door so far but…

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