What Makes Me Happy.


Hello and Happy Tuesday! 

I would share a couple of things today. Things that make me healthier and happier these days. Maybe some work for you as well. 

I stopped drinking coffee and switched over to tea or smoothies. Every time I drank coffee I was so wired up, especially when it was too strong. I was never dependent on coffee and never thought it gives me energy in the morning. I feel that practicing Yoga or stretching works way better. Or drinking a green smoothie makes me feel more balanced.  Balance makes me happy! I included Yoga in my daily routine again. I do get up earlier in the morning to  really take time for myself, stretch, and enjoy 50 minutes of Power Yoga. I haven’t practiced in a while but I was right back into it. To start my day with Yoga is fantastic. The whole concept of taking time to do something with and for myself is key. Just listening to what my body needs and these days it is stretching. 

I try to read one book per week and attend a reading once in a while. Actually, I just came back home after listening to Martin Walser who read from his latest book Ein sterbender Mann. It was very special and mesmerizing. Martin Walser is 89 years old. 


My strive for constant, continuous  learning and exchanging thoughts with intellectual people will always make me happy. “Ordinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and learning”. I write a post online on my blog every single day. Just because I love to do it. I keep notebooks and journals close by so anytime an important thought pops up in my head I can write it down. With this being said, I have a bucket list and so does my husband. Upon comparing those lists one day we amazingly found out that there are pretty similar items written down. Sweet! So we both enjoy scratching those off our lists. Eating healthier. I usually don’t eat meat but I had this craving for ham and BBQ. So I ate ham and we had some BBQ leftover from the neighbors. I felt very bad for the next three days. Today is actually the first day that the stomach pain stopped. I have to listen to my body more and pay more attention.  He usually tells me what he wants and tries to avoid. Meat and refined sugar are two items. I want to include a Fast-Day every week. Today I just ate a bowl of soup and a pretzel. Just to give the organs some rest after those horrible three days. 

Spend more quality and uninterrupted time with my son. Meaning, not being on the phone while he shows me something. Not reading my book when he wants to go to the playground. Unless of course we read together. My sweet boy! 


I like helping others! Helper syndrome? Well, I have it under control by now. I am talking about the random kindness. Doing grocery shopping for the elderly woman next door or bringing her a slice of rhubarb cake for instance. Since I go to bed earlier (7 hours sleep minimum) I feel so much better in the morning. More rested, more positive thoughts, more ideas, more creativity and I get more done. I am fortunate still that my son sleeps until 11 am! almost every day and I could sleep in if I needed to. But I do not want to make this a habit. Rise and shine! It is spring and I love spring cleaning and removing anything and everything that is not essential to my life anymore. Yep, I usually start with my closet. I am into minimalism and too many things make me unhappy. 

I try to relax every day for at least one hour. The other day I was in the park with my son and I took a pile of books with me. I read a bit, switched to the next and turned pages in the third one until I saw this little tiny bee sitting in front of my bare feet on a dandelion. I put the books down and observed the bee instead. She kept on doing her work not bothered by anybody or anything. Just getting some pollen. Life is sweet! I spend less time on the phone or other social media and I don’t check my phone first thing in the morning anymore. I used to! But it makes me happier if I don’t. First things first! Yoga, healthy breakfast – the world (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, CNN and whatnot can wait!) 

What makes you happy? I would love to hear from you. 

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